
The Only Resolution I'm Making This Year

lifestyle6 years ago

Something about the beginning of this year, 2018, feels a little different for me... in a good way. The new year is the perfect time to make some positive changes, but I spent a lot of time over the past couple of weeks planning and thinking about what I want my next twelve months to look like, and I'm so excited to share it all with all of you day by day!


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Something about the beginning of this year, 2018, feels a little different for me… in a good way. The new year is the perfect time to make some positive changes, but I spent a lot of time over the past couple of weeks planning and thinking about what I want my next twelve months to look like, and I’m so excited to share it all with all of you day by day!

It’s so easy and tempting to set lofty goals on the first day of the year: We all wanna lose 20 lbs for the perfect beach body, crack the secret code to doubling our salaries while having enough time off to travel somewhere new every month, start new relationships that sweep us off our feet and finally take the plunge on that new car, house or other huge investment we’ve been holding out for. And for some reason, we keep convincing ourselves that we’ll FINALLY be happy once we check off all of the boxes on our resolution list. It’s so harsh, and we put so much pressure on ourselves achieve physical perfection and acquire so many material things, that we put our emotional health on the line. It’s time to do better.

So what’s my only 2018 resolution this year? I’m choosing to be happy, find the silver lining in every situation, forgive myself when I feel like I’m falling short and continue to surround myself with people who inspire me to keep growing a be a better version of myself… in the belief that everything good will come.

I hope you guys can join me in rethinking your new year’s resolution this year… I think we’ll all be much better for it. In the meantime, I’m excited to share everything that’s to come this year with you all, Happy new year!

Something about the beginning of this year, 2018, feels a little different for me... in a good way. The new year is the perfect time to make some positive changes, but I spent a lot of time over the past couple of weeks planning and thinking about what I want my next twelve months to look like, and I'm so excited to share it all with all of you day by day!

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shot by Udee B.

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